It's half past four when you get the call. Three hours until curtain up on press night, and (link-reveal: "you've been summoned.") [
The director is standing, looking out of the window. He turns. His face is ashen.
(link: "Oh God.") [(link: "You're fired.") [(link-reveal: "It's over.") [(link-reveal: " Years of training up the wall.") [(link-reveal: " You're going to cry.") [ (live: 1s) [(print: "But...")] (stop:) (live: 2s) [(print: "then...")] (stop:) (live: 3s) [(print: " he...")] (stop:) (live: 4s) [(print: " [[speaks.]]")] ]]]]]] Rory Shackleton is ill.
(live: 2s) [<span style="font-size:1.5em">You will be playing the lead tonight.</span>] (stop:)
(live: 4s) [<span style="font-size:3em">In front of the press.</span> (stop:)]
(live: 6s)[It's the most (link: "incredible") [scary] thing that's ever happened to you. (stop:)
You're crying tears of (link: "joy") [fear].
You're shaking with (link: "excitement") [terror].
You run to the loo to (link: "compose yourself") [(link-reveal: "throw up.") [
Your mind is going blank. [[This is such an opportunity.]]]]]
You fought hard for this (link-reveal: "role.") [
Seyton in Macbeth is a minor part. But this is the West End. And this is a new interpretation, a (link-reveal: "rock musical.") [
(live: 4s) [(go-to: "Opening")]<span class="bigger">(text-style:"shudder")[(text-style:"blur")[MacDeth]]</span>]
(set: $background to "none")
(set: $time to 180)
(set: $audience to 50)
(set: $castrelationship to 50)
(set: $lineslearnt to false)
(set: $songslearnt to false)
(set: $blockinglearnt to false)
(set: $hunger to true)
(set: $warmup to false)
(set: $fightlearnt to false)
(set: $dancelearnt to false)
(set: $flyinglearnt to false)
(set: $mumcalled to false)
(set: $boyfriendcalled to false)
(set: $costume to false)
(set: $advicereceived to false)
(set: $loveinterest to false)
(set: $peptalk to false)Your dressing room is unsurprisingly small, considering the role you were cast in. It smells faintly of bleach and strongly of dust.
The part of MacDeth was to have been played by [[Rory Shackleton]]. You have a signed photo of him [[tacked to your mirror]].
The rest of the room has yet to be personalised. You've been feeling a little like [[an imposter.]] You idolised Rory when you were training.
He has been in the West End for years.
There were (link-reveal: "rumours...") [
(link-reveal: "That he was going to be...") [
The next (link-reveal: "Doctor Who.") [
And now that's you.
Back to your [[dressing room.]]
]]]You have (text-style:"blink")[(print:$time)] minutes until the curtain.
(if: $time is >= 60)[(if:$lineslearnt is false)[[[What the hell does Macbeth say?->Go over the lines.]] | May take a while](else:)[Foresooth, you know the lines.]
(if:$boyfriendcalled is false)[[[Call your boyfriend.]]] (else:)[Boyfriend duly spoken to.]
(if:$costume is false)[[[Have a costume fitting.]] | May take a while](else:) [Costumes fitted. All of them.]
(if:$blockinglearnt is false)[[[Where the hell does MacDeth stand on stage?->Go over the blocking.]] | May take a while](else:)[You know where to stand. Downstage centre, by and large.]
(if:$advicereceived is false)[[[Speak to Rory Shackleton.]]] (else:)[Thanks for the //great// advice, Rory.]
(if:$songslearnt is false)[[[How do the songs go?->Go over the songs.]] | May take a while](else:)[You know the tunes. Let's hope the orchestra do too.]
(if:$loveinterest is false)[[[Best to get to know Lady MacDeth a bit better->Speak to the Lady Macbeth actress.]]] (else:)[Anna Devere is no less daunting, but at least you've spoken to her.]
(if:$warmup is false)[[[Do a vocal warmup]]] (else:)[Your vocal folds are silky. Hopefully that's a good thing.]
(if:$dancelearnt is false)[[[Dancing, don't forget to learn the dancing->Go over the choreography.]] | May take a while](else:)[You've got the dances down pat. Probably.]
(if:$mumcalled is false)[[[Call your mum, she'll be chuffed->Call your mum.]]] (else:)[Spoken to mum. That was worthwhile.]
(if:$fightlearnt is false)[[[Must learn how the fight scenes work->Go over the fight scenes.]]] (else:) [Rapier? Check. Broadsword? Check. Chainsaw? Check.]
(if:$flyinglearnt is false)[[[There's flying in this show. Best to learn how to do that->Go over the flying scene.]]] (else:) [You can fly, right up to the sky.]
(if:$hunger is true)[[[Have something to eat.]]] (else:)[That falafel wrap was ace. Needed more garlic though.]
(if:$peptalk is false)[[[Give a pep talk to the entire cast->Speak to the entire cast.]]] (else:)[You've spoken to the cast. Will they speak to you again though?]
Screw it, I'm gonna sleep for $time minutes and [[wing it.->Showtime]]](elseif: $time is >0)[(if:$lineslearnt is false)[There's not enough time to learn the lines.] (else:)[Foresooth, you know the lines.]
(if:$boyfriendcalled is false)[[[Call your boyfriend.]]] (else:)[Boyfriend duly spoken to.]
(if:$costume is false)[There's not enough time for a costume fitting.](else:) [Costumes fitted. All of them.]
(if:$blockinglearnt is false)[There's not enough time to learn the blocking.] (else:)[You know where to stand. Downstage centre, by and large.]
(if:$advicereceived is false)[[[Speak to Rory Shackleton.]]] (else:)[Thanks for the //great// advice, Rory.]
(if:$songslearnt is false)[There's not enough time to learn the songs.](else:)[You know the tunes. Let's hope the orchestra do too.]
(if:$loveinterest is false)[[[Best to get to know Lady MacDeth a bit better->Speak to the Lady Macbeth actress.]]] (else:)[Anna Devere is no less daunting, but at least you've spoken to her.]
(if:$warmup is false)[[[Do a vocal warmup]]] (else:)[Your vocal folds are silky. Hopefully that's a good thing.]
(if:$dancelearnt is false)[There's not enough time to learn the choreography.] (else:)[You've got the dances down pat. Probably.]
(if:$mumcalled is false)[[[Call your mum, she'll be chuffed->Call your mum.]]] (else:)[Spoken to mum. That was worthwhile.]
(if:$fightlearnt is false)[[[Must learn how the fight scenes work->Go over the fight scenes.]]] (else:) [Rapier? Check. Broadsword? Check. Chainsaw? Check.]
(if:$flyinglearnt is false)[[[There's flying in this show. Best to learn how to do that->Go over the flying scene.]]] (else:) [You can fly, right up to the sky.]
(if:$hunger is true)[[[Have something to eat.]]] (else:)[That falafel wrap was ace. Needed more garlic though.]
(if:$peptalk is false)[[[Give a pep talk to the entire cast->Speak to the entire cast.]]] (else:)[You've spoken to the cast. Will they speak to you again though?]
Screw it, I'm gonna sleep for $time minutes and [[wing it.->Showtime]]]
(else:) [(go-to: "Showtime")]You close the door of your dressing room, shutting out the wellwishers in the rest of the cast.
//So foul and fair a day I have not seen.//
A line that (link-reveal: "legendary.") [
And you will be saying it (link-reveal: "on the West End stage.") [
[[In front of critics.]]
(set: $lineslearnt to true)
(set: $time to it - 60)
The director has a //vision//. This is (link: "a grand") [an overblown] production.
The Witches dance around (link-reveal: "a fire.") [
While pyrotechnics explode (link-reveal: "around them.") [
And hopefully not (link-reveal: "in your face.") [
[[You find the stage manager.]]
[[You step out on to the stage.]]
(set: $blockinglearnt to true)
(set: $time to it - 60)
You sip some water.
You (link-reveal: "breathe.")[
(link-reveal: "In") [
(link-reveal: "Out") [
(link-reveal: "In") [
(link-reveal: "Out.") [
//And damn'd be him that first cries, 'hold, enough!'//
[[You've got this.->Hub]]
]]]]]The stage manager is deep in conversation with the lighting designer (link-reveal:"when you find her.")[
After you manage to convince her that you will, truly, be taking Rory Shackleton's role for the evening she goes very pale and (link-reveal:"waves you onto the stage.")[
You swear you could hear her muttering //oh god we're all doomed, doomed I say//, but you soon put it out of your mind and spend a busy hour checking and re-checking the best places to stand without being burnt by pyrotechnics.
[[But what is there still time for?->Hub]]]]You take a breath and step out on to one of the world's great stages.
(live: 2s) [ <span class="bigger";>(text-style: "shudder")["What the hell do you think you're doing?"]</span> ] (stop:)
(live: 5s) [It's the stage manager] (stop:)
(live: 7s) [Oh dear.] (stop:)
(live: 9s) [You turn on your most winning smile [[and face her.]]] (stop:)
(set: $castrelationship to it - 10)Once you have apologised profusely for stepping out on to the stage without permission, the stage manager (link-reveal:"calms down a little.")[
It takes another couple of minutes until you've managed to convince her that you will indeed be taking Rory Shackleton's role (link-reveal:"for the evening.")[
At which point she relents and (link-reveal:"lets you on stage.")[
She also went very pale and started muttering //oh god we're all doomed, doomed I say//, but you put that out of your mind and spend an hour running through the precise movements that will keep you safe from pyrotechnics.
[[But what next?->Hub]]]]](link-reveal: "It's 7:30.") [
(link-reveal: "The audience is in.") [
(link-reveal: "You're not ready.") [
(link-reveal: "But as the theatrical adage goes...") [
[[<span class="bigger">FUCK IT.->Act One]]
]]]]You stride on to the stage, trying to leave your nerves behind you. From the wings you've seen the Witches' first tap routine executed flawlessly. Now it's (link-reveal:"your turn to wow the audience.")[
(if: $lineslearnt is true) [//So foul and fair a day I have not seen.//
The first line is out. A weight lifts. You turn to the witches and (link-reveal: "give them their song cue:") [
//Speak, if you can: what are you?//
[[A power chord rings out->the song begins.]]
(set: $audience to it +20)
(else:) [//So fair but foul a day I've not seen//
The first line is out. It sounded almost right, so you'll take that as a win. Then Banquo (link-reveal:"finishes speaking.")[
And everyone turns to you. The line is on the tip of your tongue. It's a cue for the witches. You're pretty sure (link-reveal:"it's either")[
(set: $audience to it -20)
[[//Yo hags, drop some sweet tunes on this soldier.//->the song begins.]]
[[//Confess must I that my trombone has gone.//->the song begins.]]]]]]If Shakespeare could have written a musical, this is exactly what would have come out. The words of the bard plus powerchords (link-reveal:"equals heaven.")[
The vocal coach looks nervous, but she soon relaxes as she hears your range for the harmonies of (text-style:"emboss")[O Horror, Horror], and the raw power of (text-style:"shadow")[Is This A Dagger].
[[But what do you still have time for?->Hub]]]
(set: $songslearnt to true)
(set: $time to it -60)
The choreographer looks and sounds exactly like a duck. You expect him to quack as well, but he speaks with a soothing baritone.
He goes through one routine after another covering (link-reveal: "everything from...") [
(text-style:"rumble") [the headbangers' ball] as Banquo's ghost rises
(link-reveal: "to...") [
(text-style: "smear") [the steamy tango] with Lady MacDeth on your return to the castle.
You're sweaty as heck, [[but what is there still time for?->Hub]]]]
(set: $dancelearnt to true)
(set: $time to it -60)
The fight director is overjoyed to see you. He regales you of tales from the set of (link-reveal:"the latest Star Wars film.")[
(link-reveal:"Which is great.")[
But time is (link-reveal:"ticking on.")[
Finally he spars with you, taking you through the rapier fight, the broadsword melee and finally, the climactic chainsaw duel with the putative hero MacBuff.
[[But what is there still time for?->Hub]]]]]]]]
(set: $fightlearnt to true)
(set: $time to it - 30)
You never played Peter Pan, so you check in with the stage hands who will be operating the harness. They agree to send you up for a (link-reveal: "test-flight.") [
(text-style:"upside-down") [After a few false starts...]
(link-reveal: "You finally get the hang of it.") [
The harness rode up in your groin something awful, [[but what do you still have time for?->Hub]]]]
(set: $flyinglearnt to true)
(set: $time to it -30)Rory Shackleton is 6ft 3 and (link-reveal:"almost as broad.")[
You are 5ft 11 and (link-reveal:"somewhat wiry.")[
The wardrobe mistress looks at you with a mixture of fear and adulation.
There are four entirely different costumes for MacDeth during the course of the show. All of them need to be (link-reveal:"tacked and pinned and nipped and tucked")[
Even the bespoke footwer needs to be stuffed so you don't slide around in (link-reveal:"Rory's boots.")[
It takes a long time to get them fitting just so, but you don't want to be tripping over your hems now, do you?
[[But what else do you have time for?->Hub]]]]]]
(set: $costume to true)
(set: $time to it -60)
Sometimes it's important to tackle the basics.
There's a shop over the road that does the best falafel wrap in London. It's about (link-reveal:"the size of your forearm.")[
You decide to go easy on the garlic sauce.
Scrummy, [[but what else do you have time for->Hub]]]
(set: $hunger to false)
(set: $time to it -30)(link-reveal: "Va va va va va va va va va va va va vaaaaaa.") [
(link-reveal: "vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee veeeeee.") [
(link-reveal: "Equity deputy equity deputy equity deputy.") [
(link-reveal: "Popacatapetl, copper plated kettle, plated bread and butter, pop.") [
(link-reveal: "Around the ragged rocks the ragged rascal ran.") [
And so on and so forth. That took a while, [[but what have you still got time for?->Hub]]
(set: $warmup to true)
(set: $time to it -30)You have a lovely, slightly meandering call with your mother. She misunderstands at first and it all takes rather longer than you'd hoped. When she does finally grasp exactly how important tonight could be for your career she leaves you with one simple (link-reveal: "piece of advice.") [
"Try not to mess it up too badly."
Thanks mum. [[Now what else is there time for?->Hub]]
(set: $mumcalled to true)
(set: $time to it -30)(color:black)[Break a leg for tonight], he says, before you have the chance to say anything. (color:black)[And I've got a surprise for you...]
//Bet my surprise is bigger//, (link-reveal:"you think.")[
(color:black)[I'm going to be in the audience (link-reveal:"tonight.") [
In the (link-reveal:"front row.")[
I know you said to wait until after press night, but [[I can't help myself and'-'->Call your bofriend 2]]]]]]Anna DeVere has been a bastion of the musical theatre world for two decades. You've peered down at her from the gods many times, (link-reveal: "dreaming of working together.") [
In the few weeks MacDeth has been rehearsing you've been disabused of any of your more grandiose notions about her however. Although you wouldn't say it out loud, (link-reveal: "she's...") [
<span class="smaller">A stone cold bitch.</span>
(live: 2s) [
Nonetheless, you will be sharing many scenes tonight, including a raunchy tango and a number of passionate kisses. So it's important to start off on (link-reveal:"good terms.")[
You knock on her dressing room door.
(set: $loveinterest to true)
(set: $time to it -30)With the stage manager's help you gather everyone together. Musical theatre grande dame Anna DeVere, playing Lady MacDeth is here, so too are the various chorus players that up to mere moments ago you would have been among.
(link-reveal: "You clear your throat.")[
"I'm sure you've heard the Rory is ill tonight, but (link-reveal:"I want to reassure you that...")[ if we approach this with professionalism and enthusiasm (link-reveal:"we can get through tonight.")[ I mean, we're always professional and enthusiastic, but..."
(link:"Damn.") [(link:"Arse.")[(link-reveal:"Shit.") [This isn't quite going to plan. (link-reveal:"You try again.")[
"I'm honoured to have this opportunity, and (link-reveal:"humbled to be working with...")[
But it's too late, you've lost them. There's some sniggering at the back and people start (link-reveal:"drifting away.")[
Well that didn't go brilliantly. [[Can you squeeze anything else in before the curtain?->Hub]]
(set: $castrelationship to it -50)
(set: $peptalk to true)
(set: $time to it -30)You find Rory's number on the stage manager's call sheet, and (link-reveal:"give it a try.")[
After an interminable number of rings, (link-reveal:"he answers.")[
And proceeds to ramble...
(live:2s)["Of course when I played Hamlet..."] (stop:)
(live:4s)["... and Billy Nighy, well he and I..."] (stop:)
(live:6s)["... in Simon Russell Beale's dressing room..."] (stop:)
(live:8s)["... wearing nothing but a tea cosy!"] (stop:)
(live:10s) [(if: $hunger is true)[While you're stuck on the phone you find a falafel wrap you'd brought with you and surreptitiously munch away.(set: $hunger to false)] (if: $warmup is false)[A few minutes in you mute your end of the call and do a quick vocal warm-up.(set: $warmup to true)]
Well that took a while, so [[what do you still have time for?->Hub]]](stop:)]]
(set: $advicereceived to true)
(set: $time to it -30)The photo is from at least ten years ago, as his hairline has receded considerably since. The handwritten note reads:
//May MacDeth not be the death of us all, ha ha.//
Back to the [[dressing room.]]Before being cast in this show you...
[[...had been considering quitting the business.]]
[[...felt like your luck was just about to turn.]]
Fortunately your boyfriend had talked you out of it, something he is sure to remind you of later.
But there's no time for dwelling on the past [[now.]]
(set: $background to "quit")Thanks in part to pep talks from your boyfriend, and despite a slow start to your career, you'd been feeling positive about showbiz. That's something he's sure to remind you of later.
But there's no time for dwelling on the past [[now.]]
(set: $background to "positive")You knew you were understudying the (link-reveal: "lead role.") [ But... (live:1s) [(print: "understudy rehearsals...") (stop:)] (live:2s) [(print: " start...") (stop:)] (live:3s) [(print: "
NEXT WEEK.") (stop:)] (live:5s) [(print: "
And now you only have three hours [[to prepare.->Hub]]") (stop:)]](if: $lineslearnt is false)[There's a moment's silence before the musicians realise you were attempting to cue them.]
And then the (link-reveal:"music kicks in.")[ The good thing about the Witches' song is that you don't actually have to sing in it... But you are a (link-reveal:"lynchpin of the dance.")[
(if: $dancelearnt is true) [That was an hour well spent, time to dazzle [[with your moves.->Dancegood1]]](else:) [How hard can this dance be? You've trained in jazz, tap, ballet and won a silver award for your Schottische. [[Chin up, chest out, hips square.->Dancebad1]]]]]Despite only having learnt the moves mere moments ago, (link-reveal:"they are one with your body.")[
(if: $lineslearnt is false)[You can see the expressions of the Witches visibly relax after the debacle of your lines.]
(else:) [You can feel the atmosphere on the stage relax as your fellow players realise that you're in control. First the lines, now this. You were born for the role.]
You're the centre of this dance as the witches whirl around you. There's a moment coming up where they retreat to the back of the stage, and you're (link-reveal: "supposed to join them.")[
But you're in the zone. This could be your moment for a spectacular solo.
[[Stick to the proper choreography->As it should be]]
[[Head to the front and sparkle->Hog the limelight]]
(set: $audience to it +20)The Witches whirl towards you as the beat hits. One sticks out a hand and grabs you, thrusting you into the centre of their circle.
That gets you into what seems like a better position, (link-reveal: "but...") [
... you were halfway through (link-reveal: "a stag leap.") [
You tumble as you land. You hear a unified intake of breath from the audience. But the beat goes on and (link-reveal:"the dance continues.") [
The Witches retreat to the back of the stage. Is this meant to be your glorious solo?
[[Hell yeah, time to show these punks what you can do.->Hog the limelight]]
[[No, best to hang back with the Witches.->Hang back]]
(set: $audience to it -20)You dart back to join the Witches as Banquo starts his searing air guitar solo.
It's a moment of respite, and you're able to (link-reveal:"scan the audience quickly.")[
There's your boyfriend, in the front row. (if: $boyfriendcalled is true)[He grins back at you and gives a thumbs up.](else:)[He wasn't supposed to be here tonight. He looks absolutely shocked.]
Your mind races. [[What's the next scene?->outfit]]]
(set: $castrelationship to it +10)You bust out some moves (if: $dancelearnt is true)[that fit beautifully with the choreography you've already learnt.] (else:) [that for some reason seem like a good idea. In your future dreams you'll wake in a cold sweat thinking about your ill-advised cossack-dancing].
From behind you the hushed whispers of the Witches (link-reveal:"carry over the music.")[
(link-reveal:"Get back here you plum")[
Banquo shoves you aside as what was supposed to be his solo draws to a close.
Your mind races. [[What's the next scene?->outfit]]]]
(set: $castrelantionship to it -20)You shuffle back to join the Witches. (link-reveal:"As you do...")[
...Banquo leaps into the centre for a searing air guitar solo, one of his finest parts of the whole show.
Your mind races. [[What's the next scene?->outfit]]]
(set: $castrelationship to it +10)It's MacDeth's return to his castle! The knowledge floods into your mind in the nick of time. You stride forward to Lady MacDeth and (link-reveal:"speak.")[
(if:$lineslearnt is true)[//My dearest love,
Duncan comes here tonight//](else:)[//Lady MacDeth, a thing is happening,
The king! That's it. Tonight. The king tonight is coming here. Forsooth.//]
She comes to embrace you, giving you a (if:$loveinterest is true)[sympathetic smile](else:)[glare].
You're wearing MacDeth's (link-reveal:"first outfit.")[
It's a voluminous robe, masking an (link-reveal:"exciting")[ (if Bucks Fizz can still be considered exciting)] reveal. As her arms reach around you, Lady MacDeth [[grabs and rips.]]]]
(either: "Spontaneous applause bursts out around the auditorium.","Someone in the stalls cheers, and others join in around them.","There's a cry of //bravo// from somewhere near the back.")(either: "There's an outbreak of muttering in the stalls.","A Mexican wave of sighing and shifting courses around the auditorium.","Spots of light flare up in the audience as a few people check their phones.")
(align: "==><==")[Understudied]
(align: "==><==")[by Jonathan Laury]
(align: "==><==")[[[Begin->Intro]]]
(align: "==><==")[[[Played before? Skip the intro->Second time 2]]]
(set: $background to "none")
(set: $time to 180)
(set: $audience to 50)
(set: $castrelationship to 50)
(set: $lineslearnt to false)
(set: $songslearnt to false)
(set: $blockinglearnt to false)
(set: $hunger to true)
(set: $warmup to false)
(set: $fightlearnt to false)
(set: $dancelearnt to false)
(set: $flyinglearnt to false)
(set: $mumcalled to false)
(set: $boyfriendcalled to false)
(set: $costume to false)
(set: $advicereceived to false)
(set: $loveinterest to false)
(set: $peptalk to false)
(set: $dagger to 0)
(set: $MacBuff to 0)(color:purple)[Anna] is seated in front of her mirror, and watches you enter. She will be wearing a long dark wig in the show. It hangs next to her (link-reveal:"like an obedient servant.")[
(color:purple)["Have you brought my salad?"]
[["I'll be playing MacDeth this evening."]]
When she has finished laughing, she takes a sip of what may or may not be water.
(color:purple)["Well this might be a disaster," she says. "I knew I ](link-reveal:"shouldn't have let Rory talk me into this.")[
"I just wanted to introduce myself properly, (link-reveal:"because we...")[
(color:purple)["Are more important than the rest of these no-hopers? Yes, you're not one of the insignificant people now."]
You respond:
[["I meant because we'll be kissing."]]
[["Yes, they are a tiresome bunch."]]
]](color:purple)["Ah so you've come to get a bit of practice in, have you? Fancy trying to get and extra snog in on the sly?] (link-reveal:"I've met actors like you before.")[
You show her a (link-reveal: "picture of your boyfriend.")[
(color:purple)["My mistake," she says. "Has anyone ever told you he looks like a younger] (link-reveal:"Gael Garcia Bernal?")[(color:purple)[ Of course I worked with him on a film the other year,] (link-reveal:"what was it called?")[
And she's off, telling you about something that was a hellish experience, or possibly an incredible experience. It's hard to tell. Still, you're definitely closer than you were. [[What else do you have time for though?->Hub]]
"They really are. Wannabes and ingrates the lot of them."
From behind the door comes (link-reveal:"a sniffing sound.")[
(color:purple)["Oh do stop snivelling Victoria," Anna says. Her costume assistant comes out from behind the pile of frocks she was organising. "You see, //he// agrees ](link-reveal:"you're all graspers.")[
Perhaps there's a chance Victoria won't tell the rest of the cast and crew (link:reveal"what you said...")[
But on the plus side it leads to a fruitful conversation with Anna DeVere. Now, [[what else do you have time for?->Hub]]
(set: $castrelationship to it -20)You have a few moments backstage before the next scene.
{(if: $audience is >=50)[It doesn't seem to be going too (link-reveal:"disastrously.") [ So far]]
(else:)[It's not the rip-roaring success you were (link-reveal:"hoping for.") [ Yet.]]}
{(if: $castrelationship is >=50)[The stage manager gives you a thumbs up.]
(else:)[The stage manager glances in your direction and shakes her head.]}
All too soon it's time for you to be back on stage, and this time it's your [[big solo of the first half.]](align:"==><==")[You breath in, and hit... (link-reveal:"which note?")[
[Is]<wrong| ]]
(click:?right)[(set:$dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Is]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Is]](live:2s)[(goto: "This2")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Is]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Is]](live:2s)[(goto: "This2")]]
(set:$castrelationship to it -10)(align:"==><==")[(text-style:"strike")[Is] (color:green)[This] (text-style:"strike")[A] [Dagger]<wrong|
(text-style:"strike")[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] (text-style:"strike")[A] [Dagger]<right|
(color:green)[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] (text-style:"strike")[A] [Dagger]<wrong|
(text-style:"strike")[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] (color:green)[A] [Dagger]<wrong| ]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Dagger]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Dagger]](live:2s)[(goto: "Song result")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Dagger]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Dagger]](live:2s)[(goto: "Song result")]](align:"==><==")[(text-style:"strike")[Is] [This]<right|
(text-style:"strike")[Is] [This]<wrong|
(color:green)[Is] [This]<wrong|
(text-style:"strike")[Is] [This]<wrong| ]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[This]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[This]](live:2s)[(goto: "A2")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[This]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[This]](live:2s)[(goto: "A2")]](align:"==><==")[(text-style:"strike")[Is] (color:green)[This] [A]<wrong|
(text-style:"strike")[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] [A]<wrong|
(color:green)[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] [A]<wrong|
(text-style:"strike")[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] [A]<right| ]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[A]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[A]](live:2s)[(goto: "Dagger2")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[A]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[A]](live:2s)[(goto: "Dagger2")]]The music (link-reveal:"crashes in.")[
(if:$dagger is 0)[You are way off the tune.
(text-style:"strike")[Which I see] (text-style:"shudder")[(text-style:"strike")[before]] (text-style:"strike")[me, handle towards my h<span style="font-size:1.25em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.5em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.75em;">and?</span>]]
(elseif:$dagger is 5)[You aren't particularly close to the tune.
[(text-style:"strike")[Which I see] (color:green)[(text-style:"shudder")[before] me, handle ](text-style:"strike")[towards my h<span style="font-size:1.25em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.5em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.75em;">and?</span>]]]
(elseif:$dagger is 10)[The tune isn't too far out of reach.
(text-style:"strike")[Which I] (color:green)[see (text-style:"shudder")[before] me, handle ](text-style:"strike")[towards my h<span style="font-size:1.25em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.5em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.75em;">and?</span>]
(elseif:$dagger is 15)[You almost have the tune.
(text-style:"strike")[Which] (color:green)[I see (text-style:"shudder")[before] me, handle ](text-style:"strike")[towards my] (color:green)[h<span style="font-size:1.25em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.5em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.75em;">and?</span>]
(else:)[(set: $audience to it + 20)You nail the tune.
(color:green)[Which I see (text-style:"shudder")[before] me, handle towards my h<span style="font-size:1.25em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.5em;">a</span><span style="font-size:1.75em;">and?</span>]]
When the song finishes you're already thinking about the next [[big number.]]]
It's the power ballad "Is This A Dagger..."
You stride (link-reveal:"front and centre.")[
Dry ice (link-reveal:"billows around you")[
The crowd are (link-reveal:"silent.")[
The musicians are (link-reveal:"silent.")[
The song starts (link-reveal:"acapella.")[
{(if: $songslearnt is true)[Time for the hour spent with the singing coach [[to pay off.->Is1]]]
(else:)[Do you want to [[launch straight in->Is2]], or [[take a few moments->Is3]]?]}]]]]](align:"==><==")[You breath in, and hit the right note (link-reveal:"first time")[
(click:?right)[(set:$dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Is]](live:2s)[(goto: "This1")]]You breathe in, then out. The hush is almost deafening. Then, (link-reveal:"almost inaudibly...") [ you hear a note being played. One of the musicians is (link-reveal:"trying to help.")[
Unfortunately someone picks that moment for a coughing fit, but it's helped you narrow down the key. Now, (link-reveal:"which note does it start on?")[
[Is]<right| ]]
(click:?right)[(set:$dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Is]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Is]](live:2s)[(goto: "This3")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Is]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Is]](live:2s)[(goto: "This3")]]]]
(set:$castrelationship to it +10)(align:"==><==")[(text-style:"strike")[Is] [This]<right|
(color:green)[Is] [This]<wrong| ]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[This]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[This]](live:2s)[(goto: "A3")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[This]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[This]](live:2s)[(goto: "A3")]](align:"==><==")[(text-style:"strike")[Is] (color:green)[This] [A]<wrong|
(Color:green)[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] [A]<right| ]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[A]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[A]](live:2s)[(goto: "Dagger3")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[A]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[A]](live:2s)[(goto: "Dagger3")]](align:"==><==")[(text-style:"strike")[Is] (color:green)[This] (text-style:"strike")[A] [Dagger]<right|
(color:green)[Is] (text-style:"strike")[This] (color:green)[A] [Dagger]<wrong| ]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Dagger]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Dagger]](live:2s)[(goto: "Song result")]]
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $audience to it -5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Dagger]](replace:"?wrong")[(text-style:"strike")[Dagger]](live:2s)[(goto: "Song result")]]The delicious, beautiful interval is almost within reach. First though, there’s the small matter of (link-reveal:"O Horror, Horror.") [
It’s a huge ensemble number with (link-reveal:"every cast member involved.")[
And MacDeth has some (link-reveal:"key moments.")[
MacBuff appears on the balcony upstage centre. [[It begins.]]]]]
(color:white)[“O (live: 1s)[(text-style:"shudder")[Horror,]](stop:) (live:2s)[(text-style:"shudder")[Horror.]](stop:) (live:3s)[Tongue](stop:) (live:3.5s)[nor](stop:) (live:4s)[heart](stop:) (live:4.5s)[cannot](stop:) (live:5s)[conceive](stop:) (live:6s)[nor](stop:) (live:6.5s)[name](stop:) (live:7.5s)[(text-style:"rumble")[thee.”]](stop:)]
(live:8.5s)[His voice is deep and raw, but there’s no time for admiration, you need to be [[up on the balcony with him.]]](stop:)
You thud across the stage, attempting to (link-reveal:"keep to the beat.")[
You hit the stairs (link-reveal:"bang on the money.")[
From the audience the stairs look like a grand edifice, but that’s just the (link-reveal:"magic of theatre.")[
They’re actually slightly (link-reveal:"uneven.")[
As you reach the final (link-reveal:"step…")[
(if:$costume is true)[…you mentally thank the costume team. The boots you’re wearing for this scene are snug and secure on your feet, enabling you to tackle the stairs [[with aplomb.->Donalbain]]]
(else:)[…you remember you’re wearing Rory’s boots. They’re about a size and a half too big. But it’s (link-reveal:"too late.")[
Your foot lands awkwardly. You’re going to fall unless you…
[[Grab the bannister]] or [[drop into a roll.]] ]]]]]]]
(if:$costume is false)[Well that could have gone better.] (else:)[So far so good.] There's no time to dwell however, as the scene (link-reveal:"carries on.")[
Donalbain, son of the murdered King (link-reveal:"approaches.")[
(color:blue)["What is amiss,"] he asks, looking to you for a (link-reveal:"response.")[
(if: $lineslearnt is true)["You are (live:1s)[and do](stop:) (live:2s)[not know’t:](stop:) (live:3s)[
The spring,](stop:) (live:4s)[the head,](stop:) (live:5s)[the foun](stop:)(live:6s)[tain of](stop:) (live:7s)[your blood](stop:) (live:8s)[
Is stopp’d;](stop:) (live:9s)[the ver](stop:)(live:10s)[y source](stop:) (live:11s)[of it](stop:) (live:12s)[is stopp’d."](stop:)
(live:12.5s)[The lines pour out in beautiful iambic pentameter, but there's no time to rest on [[your laurels.->faint]]](stop:)]
(else:)["Uhhh (live:1s)[I think](stop:) (live:2s)[that some](stop:)(live:3s)[thing bad](stop:) (live:4s)[has hap](stop:)(live:5s)[pened to](stop:) (live:6s)[your dad.](stop:) (live:7s)[...](stop:) (live:8s)[Forsooth?](stop:)
(live:9s)[That probably got the gist of it across, and in beautiful iambic pentameter, no less. Either way, the scene [[carries on.->faint]](stop:)]]
You reach out for support, but the bannister is (link-reveal:"purely decorative.")[
Wood shears in two as you (link-reveal:"put weight on it.")[
You’re about to careen straight off the balcony and tumble to the stage twenty feet below…
(live:3s) [… when MacBuff grabs your legs and pulls you up [[to safety->Donalbain]](stop:)]]]
(set:$audience to it -10)
You learned the art of the shoulder-roll in drama school, but (link-reveal:"it’s been a few years now.")[ You let gravity and momentum take over and (link-reveal:"hope for the best.")[
It’s going brilliantly.
(live:2s)[You’re tucked in…](stop:)
(live:4s)[You’re halfway round…](stop:)
(live:6s)[But then you see MacBuff’s legs rising in front of you.](stop:)
(live:8s)[You can’t stop yourself.](stop:)
(live: 9s)[(text-style:"shudder")[SMASH]]
(live:10s)[You both end up sprawled on the balcony, but dust yourselves off and try to [[style it out.->Donalbain]]](stop:)]]
(set:$castrelationship to it -10)(align:"==><==")[(color:green)[Is] [This]<right|]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[This]](live:2s)[(goto: "A1")]]
(align:"==><==")[(color:green)[Is This] [A]<right| ]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[A]](live:2s)[(goto: "Dagger1")]](align:"==><==")[(color:green)[Is This A] [Dagger]<right|]
(click:?right)[(set: $dagger to it +5)(replace:"?right")[(color: green)[Dagger]](live:2s)[(goto: "Song result")]]There's a big ensemble dance up next, and you have an important role in it. (if: $dancelearnt is true)[Fortunately you also know right where you need to be.](else:)[But what the hell is it?]
You have mere seconds before you need (link-reveal:"to move...")[
[[[Hoist MacBuff on to your shoulders...->faint2]]]<wrong1|
[[[Tap dance down the stairs...->faint2]]]<wrong2|
[[[Cartwheel across the stage to Lady MacDeth...->faint1]]]<right|
[[[Stay in place and perform a furious hand-jive...->faint2]]]<wrong3|
(if:$dancelearnt is true)[(replace: "?wrong1")[(text-style:"strike")[Hoist MacBuff on to your shoulders...]](replace:"?wrong2")[(text-style:"strike")[Tap dance down the stairs...]](replace:"?wrong3")[(text-style:"strike")[Stay in place and perform a furious hand-jive...]]]
]You're just getting going when, from the opposite side of the stage, Lady MacDeth (link-reveal:"lets out a cry.")[
"Help, hence, ho!"
You watch in horror (link-reveal:"as...")[
She swoons back into what should be (link-reveal:"your waiting arms.")[
Instead, she crashes to the floor. The Porter glares up at you and goes to her aid as Banquo strides to the centre to take up [[the song.->Act one finale]]]]]
(set: $castreationship to it -10)You launch yourself down the stairs, then cartwheel past the Porter and Banquo to end just behind Lady MacDeth, just as she (link-reveal:"cries out.")[
"Help, hence, ho!" (link-reveal:"And then...")[
She swoons into your waiting arms. (if: $dancelearnt is false)[Phew, that was close.]
Banquo steps to the centre and takes up [[the song.->Act one finale]]]]
(set: $castrelationship to it +10)Although Banquo has the solo at the end of the first half, you have to do some heavy lifting on (link-reveal:"the harmonies.")[
(if: $dancelearnt is true) [You help Lady MacDeth into the wings and return to sing.](else:)[You try not to look at Lady MacDeth crawling offstage and get ready to sing.]
He (link-reveal:"begins.")[
And when we have our [naked frailties hid,]<one|
That suffer in exposure, [let us meet,]<two|
And question this [most bloody piece of work,]<three|
To know it further. [Fears and scruples shake us:]<four|
In the [great hand of God]<five| I stand; and thence
Against the undivulged pretence [I fight
Of treasonous malice.]<six|
{(if: $songslearnt is true)[(click:?one)[(replace:"?one")[(color:green)[''naked frailties hid,'']]](click:?two)[(replace:"?two")[(color:green)[(text-style:"shudder")[let us meet,]]]](click:?three)[(replace:"?three")[(color:green)[//most bloody piece of work,//]]](click:?four)[(replace:"?four")[(color:green)[(text-style:"shudder")[Fears and scruples shake us:]]]](click:?five)[(replace:"?five")[(color:green)[''great hand of God'']]](click:?six)[(replace:"?six")[(color:green)[//I fight
Of treasonous malice.//]]
(link-reveal:"Not too shabby.")[ Finally [[the interval arrives.]]]]]}
{(else:)[(click:?one)[(replace:"?one")[(text-rotate:5)[(text-style:"strike")[naked frailties hid,]]]](click:?two)[(replace:"?two")[(text-rotate:-5)[(text-style:"strike")[let us meet,]]]](click:?three)[(replace:"?three")[(text-style:"strike")[most bloody piece of work,]]](click:?four)[(replace:"?four")[(text-rotate:5)[(text-style:"strike")[Fears and scruples shake us:]]]](click:?five)[(replace:"?five")[(text-rotate:5)[(text-style:"strike")[great hand of God]]]](click:?six)[(replace:"?six")[(text-rotate:-5)[(text-style:"strike")[I fight Of treasonous malice.]]]
(link-reveal:"Blimey.")[ Finally [[the interval arrives.]]]]]}]]
{(if:$audience is <=0)[There's the merest smattering of polite applause, and an awful lot of huffing, from the audience as the curtain falls on the first half.]
(elseif:$audience is <=49)[Despite everything, the audience offers applause as the curtain falls on the first half.]
(elseif:$audience is <=99)[The audience applauds generously and even throws in a few cheers as the curtain falls on the first half.]
(else:)[The applause that greets the end of the first half is nothing short of thunderous. You can hear shouts of 'bravo' and a great stamping of feet.]}
{(if: $castrelationship is <=0)[The rest of the cast avoid you on your walk back to your dressing room. On the stairs two of the chorus members see you coming and hastily turn away.]
(elseif: $castrelationship is <=49)[Two cast members mutter something as you walk past them on your way to your dressing room. On the stairs one of the chorus members offers you a supportive nod.]
(elseif: $castrelationship is <=99)[The cast offer you a selection of supportive words and head-nods as you make your way to your dressing room.]
(else:)[As soon as you're off the stage the cast and crew gather round and offer you hugs, pats on the back, supportive words and, most importantly, high-fives. They've got your back.]}
Finally though, you make it back to your dressing room. You have time. Not much, granted, but still... [[What are you going to do?->Interval hub]]You have, at best, half an hour.
You could...
(if:$boyfriendcalled is false)[(if: $fightlearnt is false)[[[Brush up on the big fight scene->Boyfriend call]]](else:)[You already know how to fight]
(if: $hunger is true)[[[Fortify yourself with something to eat->Boyfriend call]]](else:)[You're not hungry]
(if:$castrelationship < 50)[[[Apologise to any cast or crew you've annoyed->Boyfriend call]]](else:)[No need to apologise to the cast. Yet.]
(if: $warmup is false)[[[Practice some vocal exercises to keep your instrument lubricated->Boyfriend call]]](else:)[Your vocal chords are holding up well]
(if: $flyinglearnt is false)[[[Find a stagehand to talk you through the flying scene->Boyfriend call]]](else:)[There's no point in going over the flying again]
[[It's going perfectly, why not have a snooze instead?->Act two]]
[[Leave the theatre and never return]]](else:)[(if: $fightlearnt is false)[[[Brush up on the big fight scene]]](else:)[You already know how to fight]
(if: $hunger is true)[[[Fortify yourself with something to eat]]](else:)[You're not hungry]
(if:$castrelationship < 50)[[[Apologise to any cast or crew you've annoyed->Apology]]](else:)[No need to apologise to the cast. Yet]
(if: $warmup is false)[[[Practice some vocal exercises to keep your instrument lubricated]]](else:)[Your vocal chords are holding up well]
(if: $flyinglearnt is false)[[[Find a stagehand to talk you through the flying scene]]](else:)[There's no point in going over the flying again]
[[It's going perfectly, why not have a snooze instead?->Act two]]
[[Leave the theatre and never return]]]
The fight director is so relieved to see you he actually skips his anecdotes from the set of (link-reveal:"the latest Star Wars film.")[
He spars with you, taking you through the rapier fight, the broadsword melee and finally, the climactic chainsaw duel with the putative hero MacBuff.
You feel ready, which is lucky because the curtain is about to go up on [[Act two]].]]]]
(set: $fightlearnt to true)Sometimes it's important to tackle the basics.
There's a shop over the road that does the best falafel wrap in London. You dash across with a (link-reveal:"coat draped over your costume.") [It's a Friday night in central London though, so (link-reveal:"no-one bats an eyelid.")[
You decide to go easy on the (link-reveal:"garlic sauce.")[
Scrummy, but when you get back to the theatre it's just about time for [[Act two]]]]]
(set: $hunger to false)(link-reveal: "Va va va va va va va va va va va va vaaaaaa.") [
(link-reveal: "vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee vee veeeeee.") [
(link-reveal: "Equity deputy equity deputy equity deputy.") [
(link-reveal: "Popacatapetl, copper plated kettle, plated bread and butter, pop.") [
(link-reveal: "Around the ragged rocks the ragged rascal ran.") [
And so on and so forth. You're nice and warmed up, which is lucky because it's time for [[Act two]].
(set: $warmup to true)You never played Peter Pan, so you check in with the stagehands who will be operating the harness. They agree to send you up for a (link-reveal: "test-flight.") [
(text-style:"upside-down") [After a few false starts...]
(link-reveal: "You finally get the hang of it.") [
The harness rode up in your groin something awful, but you'll have to stretch it out on the move because it's time for [[Act two]]]]
(set: $flyinglearnt to true)The audience have retaken their seats. (if:$audience < 50)[Some of them have at any rate.] You join the rest of the cast in the wings, ready for the beginning of (link-reveal:"the second half.")[
Your first huge scene is (link-reveal:"the banquet.")[
Banquo's ghost will rise. [[But will your star?->banquet]]]]//The MacDeth Of A Career
It is not often in my career as a critic that I have borne witness to a failure so colossal, so catastrophic, as to render an actor's career entirely over. Lord knows I've wished it (link-reveal:"from time to time.")[
Last night however, at the premiere of MacDeth (you may be able to guess that it's a rock musical version of the Scotish play from the title alone), I saw (link-reveal:"catastrophe writ large.")[
Rory Shackleton was ill. His understudy, in a performance that could have been a rags-to-riches fable, made it half way through the play and then remembered he'd left the gas on and went home to put himself out of his misery. Fortunately it put us all (link-reveal:"out of our misery too.")[
The evening started-
(The rest of the clipping has been defaced)
[[Try try again?->Second time]]]]]//The director has envsioned the banquet as a (link-reveal:"headbangers' ball.")[
The music will be loud, the song guttaral, and the choreography (link-reveal:"seemingly ragged.")[ In truth it has been fine-tuned to give the perfect appearance of ragged.
As the scene begins, one place at the table is taken by Banquo, now covered in fake (link-reveal:"blood and gore.")[
(if:$lineslearnt is true)[(set:$audience to it +10)You give the song cue immaculately:
"Thou canst not say I did it: never shake
Thy gory locks at me"
And lo, [[the headbanging commences.->headbanging]]]
(elseif:$lineslearnt is false and $loveinterest is true)[(set:$audience to it +10)You know you should acknowledge the ghost but pause to try and recall the line. Lady MacDeth sidles next to you and hisses words in your ear. You (link-reveal:"repeat verbatim:")["Thou canst not say I did it: never shake
Thy gory locks at me"
And lo, [[the headbanging commences.->headbanging]]]]
(else:)[(set:$audience to it -10)You know the general shape of the line, so open your mouth and (link-reveal:"hope for the best:")[
"It wasn't me. Don't look at me with your dreadlocks."
The song 'Never shake they gory locks at me." begins. That was the line. Oh well, [[on you go.->headbanging]]]]
]]]The song has taken inspiration from (link-reveal:"nu-metal.")[ (link-reveal:"Well something had to.")[
You need to sing a few lines, then Banquo's ghost raps them back to you. And while that's happening the moshpit needs to form around the table.
(if: $songslearnt is true)[(link-reveal:"You growl your lyrics out:")[
(set:$audience to it +10)(color: green)["If charnel houses and our graves must send
Those that we bury back, our monuments
Shall be the maws of kites."]
(if: $dancelearnt is true) [(set: $audience to it +10)You bounce up on to the table as Banquo raps back at you, keeping far enough away from Banquo to (link-reveal:"spread the weight.")[ The choreographer warned you about the table, after all.
The rap battle continues, culminating in your glorious dive into the waiting arms of the moshpit. [[Nice work.->Double double]]]]
(elseif: $dancelearnt is false and $loveinterest is true) [Banquo is up on the table rapping back to you, so if you're duelling nu-metal singers it seems likely you're (link-reveal:"meant to be up there too.") [
You jump up and (link-reveal:"approach Banquo.")[.. but at the last moment notice Lady MacDeth gesturing at you to (link-reveal:"stay back.")[ It's good advice - Banquo seems to be keeping his distance and the table does feel kind of ricketty...The rap battle continues, culminating in a glorious dive into the waiting arms of the moshpit. [[Nice work.->Double double]]]]]]
(else:)[(set:$audience to it -10)Banquo is up on the table rapping back to you, so if you're duelling nu-metal singers it seems likely you're (link-reveal:"meant to be up there too.") [
You jump up and approach him. He backs away and you...
[[get all up in his grill.]]
[[let him keep his distance.]]]]]]
(else:)[(set:$audience to it -10)You growl some lyrics out, (link-reveal:"hoping for the best:")[
(text-rotate:5)["If ghosts do rise then hide my eyes
And cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort."]
(if: $dancelearnt is true) [(set: $audience to it +10)You bounce up on to the table as Banquo raps back at you, keeping far enough away from Banquo to (link-reveal:"spread the weight.")[ The choreographer warned you about the table, after all. The rap battle continues, your lyrics becoming increasingly obtuse, and culminates in a glorious dive into the waiting arms of the moshpit. [[Nice work.->Double double]]]]
(elseif: $dancelearnt is false and $loveinterest is true) [Banquo is up on the table, attempting to rap your gibberish back to you, so if you're duelling nu-metal singers it seems likely you're (link-reveal:"meant to be up there too.") [
You jump up and (link-reveal:"approach Banquo.")[.. but at the last moment notice Lady MacDeth gesturing at you to (link-reveal:"stay back.")[ It's good advice - Banquo seems to be keeping his distance and the table does feel (link-reveal:"kind of ricketty...")[The rap battle continues, your lyrics becoming ever more obtuse, and culminates in a glorious dive into the waiting arms of the moshpit. [[Nice work.->Double double]]]]]]]
(else:)[(set:$audience to it -10)Banquo is up on the table attempting to rap your gibberish back to you, so if you're duelling nu-metal singers it seems likely you're (link-reveal:"meant to be up there too.") [
You jump up and approach him. He backs away and you...
[[get all up in his grill.]]
[[let him keep his distance.]]]]]]]]
The dual MCs battle is a classic, and you're certain it's what the choreographer would've had in mind. You fling yourself forward, prepped to spew more (if: $lineslearnt is true)[beautiful iambic pentameter](else:)[gibberish] for Banquo to (link-reveal:"rap back at you.")[
He gestures for you to (link-reveal:"stop.")[
You've got him (link-reveal:"on the ropes!")[
But then there's a... (live:1s)[<span style="font-size:2em">CRACK</span>
(live:1s)[as the table gives way beneath you.
[[Leap for a chandelier]]
[[Ride the table down]]](stop:)](stop:)]]]You feel the table wobble under your feet, and wonder if it would actually support the weight of (link-reveal:"the two of you together.")[
When the rap battle is done, the moshpit chorus beckon you on, and you perform a glorious stage dive (link-reveal:"into their waiting arms.")[
(if: $castrelationship is <=0)[Somehow you must have misjudged the distance, as (link-reveal:"no one catches you.")[
The smack of the stage on your face hurts almost as much as (link-reveal:"the gasp from the audience.")[
You pick youself up and take ourself into the wings to prepare for [[the next scene.->Double double]]]]](else:)[(set: $audience to it +10)It's a great moment and you feel energised for [[the next scene.->Double double]]]]]You put everything that has come before out of your mind. One of the most iconic scenes of Shakespeare's oeuvre is (link-reveal:"up next.")[
You hear the words of the Witches from the wings, set to the tune of Black Sabbath's (link-reveal:"Iron Man:")[
(live:1s) [Thrice](stop:) (live:2s)[the](stop:) (live:3s)[brinded](stop:) (live:3.5s)[cat](stop:) (live:4s)[hath](stop:) (live:4.5s)[mewed](stop:)
(live:5.5s) [Thrice](stop:) (live:6s)[and](stop:) (live:6.5s)[once](stop:) (live:7s)[the](stop:) (live:7.5s)[hedge](live:8s)[-pig](stop:) (live:8.5s)[whined.](stop:)
(live:9.5s)[Then it finally hits:](stop:)
(live:10.5s)[//Double double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble//(stop:)
Quite literally - jets of flame shoot up from the front of the stage, to an impressed ''ooooh'' from the audience.
It's a great start to the scene, but [[now you're up.->Double double2]]
You take a flying leap as the table collapses, spewing prop food down the front of the stage and (link-reveal:"into the front row.")[
Your fingers grasp for the chandelier (if: $costume is false)[but the oversize boots you're wearing have thrown off your jump. Rory's costume billows around you as you (link-reveal:"face-plant on to the wreckage.")[
(text-style:"blur")[Jagged splinters of wood from the table greet you.
Banquo is lying in front of you, (link-reveal:"not moving.")[
You raise your head (text-style:"blurrier")[to face the audience.
[[Then everything goes black.]]]]]]]](else:)[(set: $audience to it -20)(set: $cast to it -20) and just about manage to grasp it. (link-reveal:"Banquo isn't so lucky.")[
You see him fall backwards onto the stage and crack his head on the revered boards. You're left swinging wildly from side to side on the chandelier, clutching on (link-reveal:"for dear life.")[
But the pressure of the evening, not to mention the heat of the lights, has made your palms slick with sweat. (link-reveal:"You feel your grip slip...")[
But somehow manage to time your dismount so that you land in the wings. The stage manager (link-reveal:"stares at you")[, (link-reveal:"swears at you")[, then whispers furious commands (link-reveal:"into her microphone.")[
It was Banquo's final scene at least, and it seems like, somehow, [[the show will go on.->Double double]]]]]]]]]The table collapses, spewing prop food all down the front of the stage and into the (link-reveal:"front row of the audience.")[
Banquo topples backwards, (if: $cast is >=20)[and you feel yourself (link-reveal:"starting to fall.")[
Fortunately the moshpit chorus are nearby, dodging the strewn props to catch you as you slip.
They usher you (link-reveal:"offstage")[ where the stage manager fixes you with a piercing glare and whispers furiously (link-reveal:"into her microphone.")[
Fortunately that was Banquo's last scene as, improbably, [[the show will go on.->Double double]]]]]](else:) [and you feel yourself (link-reveal:"starting to fall.")[
None of the moshpit chorus members come to your assistance and you slip face-first on to the jagged splinters of (link-reveal:"the ruined table.")[
(text-style:"blur")[Banquo is lying in front of you, (link-reveal:"not moving.")[
You raise your head (text-style:"blurrier")[to face the audience.
[[Then everything goes black.]]]]]]]]//The MacDeth Of A Career
It is not often in my career as a critic that I have borne witness to a failure so colossal, so catastrophic, as to render an actor's career entirely over. Lord knows I've wished it (link-reveal:"from time to time.")[
Last night however, at the premiere of MacDeth (you may be able to guess that it's a rock musical version of the Scottish play from the title alone), I saw (link-reveal:"catastrophe writ large.")[
Rory Shackleton was ill. His understudy, in a performance that could have been a rags-to-riches fable, made it to the second half at least and then, either by accident or design (to put himself, and us, out of his misery), scuppered the show in so specacular a fashion the it necessitated (link-reveal:"calling for paramedics.")[
Apart from the reputation of Mr Shakespeare, my own delicate sensibilities, and the future career prospects of one young actor, (link-reveal:"no-one was seriously injured.")[
The evening started-
(The rest of the clipping has been defaced)
[[Back to the start?->Second time]]]]]]//The stage fills with smoke, and you (link-reveal:"make your entrance.")[
It's hard to tell where you are on stage with all the smoke, (if: $blockinglearnt is true)[but thanks to your run through the blocking before curtain up, you can just about find your way.] (else:)[and you hope for the best.] There are some pretty big effects (link-reveal:"coming up.")[
An apparition appears (if: $blockinglearnt is true)[just to your right.](else:)[almost on top of you, and gives you a subtle shove to the left.] (color:black)[(text-style:"smear")["MacDeth! MacDeth! MacDeth!"]]
You (link-reveal:"respond.")[ (if: $lineslearnt is true)["If I had three ears I'ld hear you."](else:)["Forsooth, tell me what's occuring ghost."]
Prophecies about MacBuff and Birnam Wood (link-reveal:"follow.")[ Each is accompanied by more jets of flame. (if: $blockinglearnt is true)[You're safely away from the flames.](else:)[The flames are in different places each time, and each time they seem to be closer to you, no matter where you move to.] [[Waves of heat wash over you.]]]]]]
(if: $blockinglearnt is true)[(set: $audience to it +20)You hold perfectly still as spinning Catherine wheels shoot past you on either side. The audience lets out a stunned ''ooooh''. A couple of inches either way and you might have ended up (link-reveal:"singed at best.")[
You finish up what, from the audience's reaction, was [[a humdinger of a scene.->Birnam Wood]]]]
(else:)[The pyrotechnics and smoke have disoriented you to the point where you're only vaguely aware of where the audience are. Suddenly they make themselves known with a huge gasp, and you feel a wave of heat (link-reveal:"bearing down on you.")[
A spinning Catherine wheel firework is shooting towards you. (link-reveal:"You dive out of the way.")[
(if: $costume is true)[The cape you're wearing in this scene was trimmed down by the wardrobe mistress before the show. You feel the need to buy her a large drink. If it had been an inch longer you might have ended up (link-reveal:"singed.")[ At best.
You're rattled, but manage to [[finish up the scene.->Birnam Wood]]]] (else:)[(set: $audience to it -20)You're wearing Rory's oversize costume, complete with a cape that's been (link-reveal:"dragging on the floor.")[
As you dive, the tip of the cape is (link-reveal:"caught by the flames.")[
[[YOU'RE ON FIRE!]]]]]]]]You were to have played Seyton, but having been bumped up, another actor has themselves been bumped up from pure understudy to the grand ten lines or so that Seyton rocks.
And so you eventually come face to face with yourself. (link-reveal:"Sort of.")[
{(if: $blockinglearnt is true)[You're still feeling good about the last scene, even as Seyton informs you that Lady MacDeth has died.]
(if: $blockinglearnt is false and $costume is true)[You're still shaking slightly from the near miss in the previous scene, needing no acting to embody MacDeth's nervous energy.]
(if: $blockinglearnt is false and $costume is false)[You're leaning heavily on the castle ramparts, legs still shaking slightly from the near miss in the previous scene.]}
As Seyton imparts his news, and a messenger runs on stage you prepare yourself for the coming (link-reveal:"song.")[
But it's more than just a song (link-reveal:"this time.")[
As Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane, MacDeth will //take to the sky// to survey what he sees and sing a fearsome (link-reveal:"Led Zeppelin-inspired verse or two.")[
You can see the harness clips in front of you. [[Here goes.->Birnam Wood2]]]]]](if: $castrelationship is <=10)[The flames devour the cape in seconds. You writhe on the stage, hoping for one of your fellow cast members to (link-reveal:"help you put them out.")[
Perhaps they can't see what's going on (link-reveal:"with all the smoke.")[
Or pehaps they saw this coming and (link-reveal:"let it happen.")[
The flames are (link-reveal:"spreading over your clothes")[ but after what seems (link-reveal:"like an age...")[
Someone clambers up onto the stage from the audience and (link-reveal:"helps pat them out.")[
You attempt to stand but your legs are (link-reveal:"shaking too hard.")[
You hear a call go out (link-reveal:"for a doctor.")[
And then [[the curtain falls.->Firey ending]]]]]]]]]]]
(else:)[The flames are making short work of the cape. You writhe on the stage, (link-reveal:"trying to smother them.")[
Within seconds you're joined by the Witches, breaking character to (link-reveal:"help put you out.")[
The stage manager runs on and throws a (link-reveal:"bucket of sand over you.")[
The flames are (link-reveal:"out.")[
The audience are in almost as much shock as you, but after you're helped offstage, in a tone befitting Olivier, Gielgud or Shackleton, (link-reveal:"you declare:")[
''//The show must go on//''(set: $castrelationship to it +20)
[[And so it must.->Birnam Wood]]]]]]]]//A Career Up In Smoke?
It is not often in my career as a critic that I have borne witness to a failure so colossal, so catastrophic, as to render an actor's career entirely over. Lord knows I've wished it (link-reveal:"from time to time.")[
Last night however, at the premiere of MacDeth (you may be able to guess that it's a rock musical version of the Scottish play from the title alone), I saw (link-reveal:"catastrophe writ large.")[
Rory Shackleton was ill. His understudy, in a performance that could have been a rags-to-riches fable, made it to the second half at least and then, either by accident or design (to put himself, and us, out of his misery), scuppered the show in so specacular a fashion the it necessitated (link-reveal:"calling for paramedics.")[
One must wonder what this young actor had done to so enrage his fellow thespians that they just stood around and watched as his career went up in (link-reveal:"all too literal flames.")[
Apart from the reputation of Mr Shakespeare, my own delicate sensibilities, and the future career prospects of one young actor, (link-reveal:"no-one was seriously injured.")[
The evening started-
(The rest of the clipping has been defaced)
[[Back to the start?->Second time]]]]]]]//Hidden from the audience by ramparts, a stage hand clips you in. With a heave from backstage, your feet leave the ground and (link-reveal:"you're off.")[
(if: $flyinglearnt is true)[(set: $audience to it +20)The test flight before the show was an excellent idea. Your crotch is still being taught a new level of pain, but you're the right way up (link-reveal:"at least.")[
(if:$blockinglearnt is true)[You know the blocking, so you're prepared when trees rise from below the stage. You dodge (link-reveal:"left")[(link-reveal:", right")[, and left again, finally [[feeling like Peter Pan.->Landing]]]]](else:)[Suddenly, rising up from beneath the stage, (link-reveal:"dark shapes appear.")[
These are the trees of (link-reveal:"Birnam Wood.")[ (You always felt the director was a bit literal in his interpretations)] It's time (link-reveal:"to get dodging...")[ But you [[won't have much time.->Dodge 1]]]]]]](else:)[Well the good news is that the pain in your crotch from the harness isn't the worst thing going on (link-reveal:"right now.")[ Because...
(text-style:"upside-down")[You're upside down.]
(link-reveal:"Oh dear.")[ (if:$blockinglearnt is true)[You know the blocking for this scene involves dodging trees, but now you're upside-down you're just going to have to hope for the best...]
Rising up from beneath the stage, (link-reveal:"dark shapes appear.")[
These are the trees of Birnam Wood. It's time (link-reveal:"to get dodging...")[ But you're upside down and [[won't have much time.->Dodge 1]]]]]]]]5(live:1s)[(replace:"5")[4]](stop:)(live:2s)[(replace:"4")[3]](stop:)(live:3s)[(replace:"3")[2]](stop:)(live:4s)[(replace:"2")[1]](stop:)(live:5s)[(replace:"1")[0]](stop:)(live:6s)[(Goto:"Splat")]
(if: $flyinglearnt is false)[(text-style:"upside-down")[There's a tree right ''in front of you''. Which way do you dodge?]](else:)[There's a tree right ''in front of you''. Which way do you dodge?]
[Left]<right1||[Stay centred]<wrong1||[Right]<right2|
(click:?right1)[(goto: "Dodge 2")]
(click:?right2)[(goto: "Dodge 2")]
(click:?wrong1)[(goto: "Splat")]
(if: $flyinglearnt is false)[(text-style:"upside-down")[Nice! Now two trees are approaching, one ''in front of you'', one on your ''left''. Where do you dodge?]](else:)[Nice! Now two trees are approaching, one ''in front of you'', one on your ''left''. Where do you dodge?]
[Left]<wrong2||[Stay centred]<wrong1||[Right]<right|
(click:?right)[(goto: "Dodge 3")]
(click: ?wrong1)[(goto: "Splat")]
(click: ?wrong2)[(goto: "Splat")]5(live:1s)[(replace:"5")[4]](stop:)(live:2s)[(replace:"4")[3]](stop:)(live:3s)[(replace:"3")[2]](stop:)(live:4s)[(replace:"2")[1]](stop:)(live:5s)[(replace:"1")[0]](stop:)(live:6s)[(Goto:"Splat")]
(if: $flyinglearnt is false)[(text-style:"upside-down")[Yikes, that was close. Last two trees now, one ''in front of you'', one to your ''right''. Where do you dodge?]](else:)[Yikes, that was close. Last two trees now, one ''in front of you'', one to your ''right''. Where do you dodge?]
[Left]<right||[Stay centred]<wrong1||[Right]<wrong2|
(click:?right)[(goto: "Landing")]
(click: ?wrong1)[(goto: "Splat")]
(click: ?wrong2)[(goto: "Splat")]You smash face first into a tree and (link-reveal:"start to spin.")[
(if:$costume is false)[The harness is tightly fitted to (link-reveal:"your costume...")[ But the costume was fitted for Rory. You're starting to slip out, (link-reveal:"ten feet above the stage.")[
Your breathing is coming fast now as you (link-reveal:"try")[ and fail] to not (link-reveal:"panic.")[
You're feeling light-headed. (if: $hunger is false)[Lucky you scrounged up that falafel wrap earlier, otherwise you might be in danger of (link-reveal:"passing out.")[
Instead, once you've managed to get your breath under control again, you grip the tree firmly and allow yourself to slide (link-reveal:"out of the costume and harness.")[
MacDeth leaves his penultimate scene in just his undies, to (link-reveal:"bemused silence from the audience.")[
Oh well, just one final scene and then this nightmare [[will be over.->Fight scene]]]]]](else:)[Maybe if you'd eaten something before the show you'd have the strength to get yourself (link-reveal:"out of this.")[
But you're hungry, slipping out of your costume, your head is ringing from the collision, and trying to hold on to a tree (link-reveal:"for dear life.")[
It's all (link-reveal:"too much.")[
You feel yourself sliding out of the costume and harness but can't keep hold of the tree. You're in a dead faint [[before you even hit the ground.->Flight ending]]]]]]]]]]
(else:)[The harness is attached to the costume, which fits snugly. You dread to think what might have happened if you hadn't had it altered.
(if:$hunger is true)[You're feeling light-headed, and are starting to regret not finding a bite to eat earlier.](else:)[That falafel wrap is sitting heavily in your stomach, but without it you might not have the energy to stop the spin and grab hold of the tree properly.]
Fortunately you're just about able to shimmy down the tree (link-reveal:"and back to the stage.")[
Oh well, just one final scene and then this nightmare [[will be over.->Fight scene]]]]]
Your (if:$flyinglearnt is true)[feet touch](else:)[head gently touches] the ground, and you've (link-reveal:"never been so happy in your life.")[
(link-reveal:"You're down.")[
(link-reveal:"You're safe.")[
And there's only ''one scene'' to go before this is [[all over.->Fight scene]]]]]//Wooden Acting Taken To New Levels
It is not often in my career as a critic that I have borne witness to a failure so colossal, so catastrophic, as to render an actor's career entirely over. Lord knows I've wished it (link-reveal:"from time to time.")[
Last night however, at the premiere of MacDeth (you may be able to guess that it's a rock musical version of the Scottish play from the title alone), I saw (link-reveal:"catastrophe writ large.")[
Rory Shackleton was ill. His understudy, in a performance that could have been a rags-to-riches fable, made it almost to the end at least and then, either by accident or design (to put himself, and us, out of his misery), scuppered the show in so specacular a fashion the it necessitated (link-reveal:"calling for paramedics.")[
Usually Macbeth is undone by Macduff, but in a bold move, this young actor decided he'd had enough by the time Birnam wood came to Dunsinane. Was it a mid-air tangle? A wardrobe malfunction? Did he just need an energy drink to get some wings? All we can say for sure is that he called it a night, and I am immensley (link-reveal:"grateful to him for that.")[
Apart from the reputation of Mr Shakespeare, my own delicate sensibilities, and the future career prospects of one young actor, (link-reveal:"no-one was seriously injured.")[
The evening started-
(The rest of the clipping has been defaced)
[[Back to the start?->Second time]]]]]]]
//You have a few moments backstage before the scene begins.
A prop weapon rack is in front of you. (if: $fightlearnt is true)[You learnt the climactic Chainsaw duel earlier, so without hesitation select (link-reveal:"the chainsaw.")[
(set: $weapon to "chainsaw")(link-reveal:"Groovy.")[
Time to head out on stage and die. [[In the good way for once.->Fight dialogue 1]]]]]
(else:)[ You select the (set: $weapon to "rapier")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["rapier", "broadsword", "chainsaw", "pitchfork"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$weapon");'>$weapon</tw-link></mark> and head out to [[face your destiny.->Fight dialogue 1]]]Facing you across the stage is MacBuff, wielding a hefty chainsaw. You feel (if: $fightlearnt is true) [relieved you had the lesson earlier. This wouldn't be fun going in blind.] (else:)[(if: $weapon is "chainsaw")[(set: $audience to it +10)(set: $MacBuff to 0)mightily relieved at your choice](else:)[a bit foolish holding your $weapon. MacBuff is glaring at you.(set: $MacBuff to 10)]]
The fight scene has a kind of call and response feel, where brief snippets of dialogue are interspersed with (link-reveal:"flashes of violence.")[
(text-color:white)[(text-style:"smear")["Turn, hell-hound, turn."]]
Now you're up (if:$lineslearnt is true)[and you know just (link-reveal:"what to say.")[
"Of all men else I have avoided thee:
But get thee back; my soul is too much charged
With blood of thine already."
Sweet! (if: $fightlearnt is true)[Even better though, you know MacBuff leads the first charge. You bring your $weapon up to [[parry the blow.->Defend1]]](else:)[But now what?
[[Wait for his charge!->Defend1]]]]](else:)[so you assemble the words (link-reveal:"in your mind:")[
"Of all men else I have (set: $word1 to "hunted for")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["hunted for", "avoided", "lusted for"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word1");'>$word1</tw-link></mark> thee:
But get thee back; my (set: $word2 to "hand")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["hand", "bed", "soul"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word2");'>$word2</tw-link></mark> is too much charged
With (set: $word3 to "blood")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["blood", "hair", "love"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word3");'>$word3</tw-link></mark> of thine already."
And when you're happy, [[you speak.->speak1]]]]]
You raise your $weapon, ready to (link-reveal:"defend.")[
Just as MacBuff starts charging (link-reveal:"towards you.")[
(color:white)[//Nice//], he whispers, and swings his chainsaw in an overly slow arc so you can see where it will (link-reveal:"end up.")[
You parry with your $weapon. (if: $weapon is "pitchfork")[(set: $MacBuff to it +10)The chainsaw is only a prop, but it has a certain heft to it. The pitchfork snaps in two. MacBuff growls and you back off.](else:)[You both do some good grunting and groaning acting, then separate.]
Time for the [[next exchange.->Fight dialogue 2]]]]]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")]You raise your $weapon above your head (link-reveal:"and charge.")[
Just as MacBuff starts charging (link-reveal:"towards you.")[
(set: $MacBuff to it +10)(color:white)[//What are you doing//], he whispers, and swings his chainsaw in an overly slow arc so you can see where it will (link-reveal:"end up.")[
You parry with your $weapon. (if: $weapon is "pitchfork")[(set: $MacBuff to it +10)The chainsaw is only a prop, but it has a certain heft to it. The pitchfork snaps in two. MacBuff growls and you back off.](else:)[You both do some good grunting and groaning acting, then separate.]
Time for the [[next exchange.->Fight dialogue 2]]]]]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")]
(if:$word1 is "avoided" and $word2 is "soul" and $word3 is "blood")[(goto:"Correct1")]
(else:)[(goto:"Wrong1")]MacBuff nods at you. So far so good, but now what?
[[Wait for his charge!->Defend1]]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")](set:$MacBuff to it +10)MacDuff grimaces at you. Oh well.
But now what?
[[Wait for his charge!->Defend1]]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")](if:$lineslearnt is true)[You segue straight into your (link-reveal:"next speech:")[
Thou losest (link-reveal:"labour:")[
As easy mayst thou the (link-reveal:"intrenchant air")[
With thy keen sword impress as (link-reveal:"make me bleed:")[
Let fall thy blade on (link-reveal:"vulnerable crests;")[
I bear a charmed life, which (link-reveal:"must not yield,")[
To one (link-reveal:"of woman born.")[
(color:white)["Despair thy charm;
(live:1s)[And let the angel whom thou still hast served](stop:)
(live:2s)[Tell thee, MacBuff was from his mother's womb](stop:)
(live:3s)[(text-style:"rumble")[Untimely ripp'd."]](stop:)]
(live:4s)[(if: $fightlearnt is true)[This is your cue to [[charge at MacBuff!->Attack2]]](else:)[You rack your brain. Does that sound like a cue to attack or defend?
[[Prepare to parry!->Defend2]]]](stop:)]]]]]]]]
(else:)[MacBuff isn't talking. Time for (link-reveal:"another hasty speech...")[
"Thou losest labour:
As easy mayst thou the (set: $word1 to "intrenchant air")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["intrenchant air", "heavenly king", "shapely thigh"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word1");'>$word1</tw-link></mark>
With thy (set: $word2 to "fierce mind")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["fierce mind", "keen sword", "sharp tongue"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word2");'>$word2</tw-link></mark> impress as make me bleed:
Let fall thy blade on (set: $word3 to "someone else please, guv")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["someone else please, guv", "some other poor wretch", "vulnerable crests"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word3");'>$word3</tw-link></mark>;
I bear a charmed life, which must not yield,
To one of (set: $word4 to "such low birth")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["such low birth", "woman born", "pretty face"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word4");'>$word4</tw-link></mark>."
When you've got it right in your mind, you [[powerfully declaim.->Speak2]]]](if: $weapon is "pitchfork")[You raise the two halves of your pitchfork and run at MacBuff, who drops easily into a defensive stance.](else:)[You raise your $weapon and run at MacBuff, who drops easily into a defensive stance.]
(live:1s)[And you part again, both panting heavily now. One final speech and then it's time to die on stage.](stop:)
(live:2.5s)[Hopefully in [[the good way.->Fight dialogue 3]]](stop:)]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")]You drop into (link-reveal:"a defensive stance.")[
(link-reveal:"As does MacBuff.")[
(set: $MacBuff to it +10)You stare at each other for what feels like an (live:2s)[e](stop:)(live:2.5s)[t](stop:)(live:3s)[e](stop:)(live:3.5s)[r](stop:)(live:4s)[n](stop:)(live:4.5s)[i](stop:)(live:5s)[t](stop:)(live:5.5s)[y](stop:)
(live:6.5s)[Finally he beckons you angrily, and [[you charge!->Attack2]]](stop:)]]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")](if:$word1 is "intrenchant air" and $word2 is "keen sword" and $word3 is "vulnerable crests" and $word4 is "woman born")[(goto:"Correct2")]
(else:)[(goto:"Wrong2")]MacBuff affects a snarl.
(color:white)["Despair thy charm;
(live:1s)[And let the angel whom thou still hast served](stop:)
(live:2s)[Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother's womb](stop:)
(live:3s)[(text-style:"rumble")[Untimely ripp'd."]](stop:)]
(live:4s)[(if: $fightlearnt is true)[This is your cue to [[charge at MacBuff!->Attack2]]](else:)[You rack your brain. Does that sound like a cue to attack or defend?
[[Prepare to parry!->Defend2]]]](stop:)MacBuff (link-reveal:"looks daggers at you.")[(set: $MacBuff to it +10) Which is impressive for a man already holding a chainsaw. He spits his lines (link-reveal:"back to you.")[
(color:white)["Despair thy charm;
(live:1s)[And let the angel whom thou still hast served](stop:)
(live:2s)[Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother's womb](stop:)
(live:3s)[(text-style:"rumble")[Untimely ripp'd."]](stop:)]
(live:4s)[(if: $fightlearnt is true)[This is your cue to [[charge at MacBuff!->Attack2]]](else:)[You rack your brain. Does that sound like a cue to attack or defend?
[[Prepare to parry!->Defend2]]]](stop:)]]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")]MacBuff gives you some blather about (color:white)[(text-style:"smear")[living to be the show and gaze of the time]], but you're just trying to remember (link-reveal:"your last line.")[
(if: $lineslearnt is true)[And in the nick of time (link-reveal:"you have it.")[
"I will not (link-reveal:"yield,")[
To kiss the ground before (link-reveal:"young Malcolm's feet,")[
And to be baited with the (link-reveal:"rabble's curse.")[
Though Birnam wood be come to (link-reveal:"Dunsinane,")[
And thou opposed, being of (link-reveal:"no woman born,")[
Yet I will try the last. (link-reveal:"Before my body")[
I throw my warlike shield. (link-reveal:"Lay on MacBuff,")[
And damn'd be he who first cries 'Hold, enough'."
(live:1.5s)[Phew. (if: $fightlearnt is true)[This is the final scrap. You both launch yourselves at each other, leaping high into the air to [[clash at the peak of your jump.->Attack3]]](else:)[It looks like MacBuff is getting ready to leap at you.
[[Meet him halfway!->Attack3]]
[[Prepare to parry!->Defend3]]]](stop:)]]]]]]]]]
(else:)[It's one of the most famous parts of the play, (link-reveal:"how hard could it be to guess?")[
"I will not yield
To (set: $word1 to "be murdered")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["be murdered", "play the fool", "kiss the ground"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word1");'>$word1</tw-link></mark> before young Malcolm's feet,
And to be baited with the rabble's curse.
Though (set: $word2 to "endless harm")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["endless harm", "Birnam wood", "no damn good"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word2");'>$word2</tw-link></mark> be come to Dunsinane,
And thou opposed, being of (set: $word3 to "no rational mind")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["no rational mind", "the lowest stock", "no woman born"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word3");'>$word3</tw-link></mark>,
Yet I will try the last. Before my body
I throw my (set: $word4 to "warlike shield")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["warlike shield", "feeble arms", "chainsaw blade"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word4");'>$word4</tw-link></mark>. (set: $word5 to "Lead on")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Lead on", "Lay on", "Jog on"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word5");'>$word5</tw-link></mark>, MacBuff,
And damn'd be he who first cries (set: $word6 to "Oh, too tough")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Oh, too tough", "Hold, too rough", "Hold, enough"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$word6");'>$word6</tw-link></mark>."
When you have the words ready in your mind, you declaim with [[as much gravitas as you can muster.->Speak3]]]]]You (link-reveal:"fly")[ (fortunately only metaphorically this time)] at MacBuff, your $weapon (link-reveal:"poised and ready.")[
As you clash he (link-reveal:"whispers to you...")[
(color:white)[(if:$MacBuff is >= 20)[Thank christ you got that right at least.](else:)[Nice work.]]
You trade (if: $fightlearnt is false)[well-telegraphed ]blows until he finally knocks the $weapon (link-reveal:"from your hands.")[
And in an explosion of pyrotechnics, [[MacDeth finally dies.]]]]]You stand firm and (link-reveal:"ready your $weapon.")[
But MacBuff was expecting you to (link-reveal:"meet him halfway.")[
You can only watch as he tries to land. He's thrown off balance though and comes down heavily (link-reveal:"on his ankle.")[
(set: $MacBuff to it +10)(set: $audience to it -10)He clambers up, and you gamely (link-reveal:"try to fight.")[
But he's limping badly and you have to do most of the work. MacDeth has to lose this fight, (link-reveal:"so you...")[
[[Pretend to see a ghost which paralyses you, allowing MacBuff the time to limp to you.->Stage death]]
[[Decide MacDeth can't take it any more and turn your $weapon on yourself.->Stage death]]]]]]]
(if:$word1 is "kiss the ground" and $word2 is "Birnam wood" and $word3 is "no woman born" and $word4 is "warlike shield" and $word5 is "Lay on" and $word6 is "Hold, enough")[(goto:"Correct3")]
(else:)[(goto:"Wrong3")](set: $audience to it +10)The audience gives a sigh of approval. Phew.
(if: $fightlearnt is true)[This is the final scrap. You both launch yourselves at each other, leaping high into the air to [[clash at the peak of your jump.->Attack3]]](else:)[It looks like MacBuff is getting ready to leap at you.
[[Meet him halfway!->Attack3]]
[[Prepare to parry!->Defend3]]](set: $MacBuff to it +10)(set:$audience to it -10) There's a groan of discontent around the auditorium, made inglorious summer by the, er, son of no woman born glaring at you.
(if: $fightlearnt is true)[At least you know this bit.
This is the final scrap. You both launch yourselves at each other, leaping high into the air to [[clash at the peak of your jump.->Attack3]]](else:)[It looks like MacBuff is getting ready to leap at you.
[[Meet him halfway!->Attack3]]
[[Prepare to parry!->Defend3]]]
(if: $MacBuff is >=50)[(goto: "Upside the head")]MacBuff let's out a cry of rage that (link-reveal:"you're pretty sure is unscripted.")[
He follows it up with a //definitely// (link-reveal:"unscripted yell:")[
(color:white)[(text-style:"smear")[STOP FUCKING UP THE SHOW]]
(live:1.5s)[And then he's on you.](stop:)
(live:2.5s)[Pumelling with the handle of his chainsaw.](stop:)
(live:3.5s)[Yelling [[incredibly vulgar things about you.->Upside the head 2]]](stop:)]]
There are gasps from the audience, but within moments you've made it backstage and can do nothing more than wait as Malcolm (link-reveal:"finishes off the play.")[
You're not quite sure what the audience thought of you yet, but (link-reveal:"backstage it's clear.")[
(if: $castrelationship is <= 0)[No-one meets your gaze. The stage manager makes a 'wanker' sign in your general direction. Even Seyton seems to shoulderbarge you on purpose as he gets into position for the curtain call. You may have made it to the end of the show, (link-reveal:"but at what cost to your professional relationships?")[
Never mind. It's what the audience think that really counts, and as the curtain falls it's time to [[head back on stage and find out.->Curtain call]]]](elseif:$castrelationship is < 50)[Your fellow cast members are getting in position for the curtain call. A couple offer looks in your direction, but most seem to be studiously avoiding your gaze. The stage manager looks at you and shakes her head. You may have made it to the end of the show, but (link-reveal:"no one seems eager to congratulate you.")[
Never mind. It's what the audience think that really counts, and as the curtain falls it's time to [[head back on stage and find out.->Curtain call]]]](elseif:$castrelationship is < 100)[Your fellow cast members are getting in position for the curtain call. A few offer you handshakes, and there's much mouthing of pleasantries. The stage manager offers you a thumbs up. You've made it to the end of the show, and (link-reveal:"your peers are the first to congratulate you.")[
But now it's time to head back on stage and [[find out what the audience thought.->Curtain call]]]](else:)[Your fellow cast members crowd around you, hugging and high-fiving. (if:$loveinterest is true)[Anna DeVere](else:)[Lady MacDeth] offers you a broad grin, and the stage manager gives you a kiss on the cheek. You may have made it to the end of the show, but perhaps even better is the relationship you've formed (link-reveal:"with the rest of the cast.")[
But then the curtain falls and you realise that what you really need to know is what the audience thought. [[Here goes.->Curtain call]]]]]]
(set:$audience to it -10)There are mutterings in the audience, but within moments you've made it backstage and can do nothing more than wait as Malcolm (link-reveal:"finishes off the play.")[
You're not quite sure what the audience thought of you yet, but (link-reveal:"backstage it's clear.")[
(if: $castrelationship is <= 0)[No-one meets your gaze. The stage manager makes a 'wanker' sign in your general direction. Even Seyton seems to shoulderbarge you on purpose as he gets into position for the curtain call. You may have made it to the end of the show, (link-reveal:"but at what cost to your professional relationships?")[
Never mind. It's what the audience think that really counts, and as the curtain falls it's time to [[head back on stage and find out.->Curtain call]]]](elseif:$castrelationship is < 50)[Your fellow cast members are getting in position for the curtain call. A couple offer looks in your direction, but most seem to be studiously avoiding your gaze. The stage manager looks at you and shakes her head. You may have made it to the end of the show, but (link-reveal:"no one seems eager to congratulate you.")[
Never mind. It's what the audience think that really counts, and as the curtain falls it's time to [[head back on stage and find out.->Curtain call]]]](elseif:$castrelationship is < 100)[Your fellow cast members are getting in position for the curtain call. A few offer you handshakes, and there's much mouthing of pleasantries. The stage manager offers you a thumbs up. You've made it to the end of the show, and (link-reveal:"your peers are the first to congratulate you.")[
But now it's time to head back on stage and [[find out what the audience thought.->Curtain call]]]](else:)[Your fellow cast members crowd around you, hugging and high-fiving. Anna DeVere offers you a broad grin, and the stage manager gives you a kiss on the cheek. You may have made it to the end of the show, but perhaps even better is the relationship you've formed (link-reveal:"with the rest of the cast.")[
But then the curtain falls and you realise that what you really need to know is what the audience thought. [[Here goes.->Curtain call]]]]]]
You line up dead centre, (if:$loveinterest is true)[Anna DeVere](else:)[Lady MacDeth] on your left, MacBuff (link-reveal:"on your right.")[
The curtain (link-reveal:"rises.")[
(if: $audience is <= 0)[There is a moment of silence as the audience sit, shell-shocked. Then someone up in the gods starts to boo. Someone in the stalls takes it up, and before you know it the whole auditorium is making their displeasure known. In the front row your boyfriend is mouthing 'I'm sorry' to you. (link-reveal:"Oh dear.")[
They probably hated the direction. (link-reveal:"Or the sets.")[
That's what you'll tell yourself when you wake in a cold sweat having [[recurring nightmares about this performance.->The papers]]]]]
(elseif: $audience is < 50)[There is a moment of silence as the audience take in what they've just witnessed. Then a clap starts, slowly at first. It started in the front row, with your boyfriend, but has spread more or less throughout the auditorium. It's polite applause, and faces look at you from the stalls (link-reveal:"with sympathy.")[
But [[it's still applause goddamnit.->The papers]]]]
(elseif: $audience is < 100)[As soon as the curtain rises applause breaks out. You lead the bows, trying to keep from burtsing into laughter or tears. You did it. You made it to the end of the show and somehow (link-reveal:"you pulled it off.")[
By the time you get off stage you're shaking with excitement, and when later, at the stage door, a queue has formed for your autograph, you (link-reveal:"nearly faint.")[
The sound of the audience applauding you [[will echo in your ears forever.->The papers]]]]]
(else:)[Before the curtain even rises, applaue starts. When it has risen you see that everyone is on their feet. You lose count of how many times you bow, how many times you jog off stage and are forced to return for one more appearance. Feet are stamping. 'Bravo' is shouted from somewhere on high, and then everone is chanting it. Your boyfriend is in tears (link-reveal:"in the front row.")[
You leap off the stage and kiss him. The applause and cheering (link-reveal:"intensifies.")[
When they finally start to leave it's only to queue up at the stage door to meet you. This is going to be a long, [[glorious night.->The papers]]]]]
]]//The MacDeth of a Career
It is not often in my career as a critic that I have borne witness to a failure so colossal, so catastrophic, as to render an actor's career entirely over. Lord knows I've wished it (link-reveal:"from time to time.")[
Last night however, at the premiere of MacDeth (you may be able to guess that it's a rock musical version of the Scottish play from the title alone), I saw catastrophe (link-reveal:"writ large.")[
Rory Shackleton was ill. His understudy, in a performance that could have been a rags-to-riches fable, made it almost to the end at least and then, in an act that I had been praying for since curtain-up, so incensed one of his fellow cast members as to (link-reveal:"drive him to pugilism.")[
The climactic scene between Macduff (styled MacBuff, of course, in this production) and the titular character descended into genuine fisticuffs as MAcBuff sort to recover some sort of recompense for the mangling of (link-reveal:"the bard's great work.")[
So dedicated was MacBuff, that the scene did indeed end with triumph over MacDeth. One can only assume that the understudy preferred the sweet release of unconsciousness as he made no audible attempt to (link-reveal:"call for help.")[
Apart from the reputation of Mr Shakespeare, my own delicate sensibilities, and the future career prospects of one young actor, no-one was seriously injured. I will however buy MacBuff a drink (link-reveal:"whenever he would so desire.")[
The evening started-
(The rest of the clipping has been defaced)
[[Back to the start?->Second time]]]]]]]]////Will This Show Be The MacDeth of Me?
Picture the scene: it's press night on a brand new show. The lead is Rory Shackleton. There's a buzz in the auditorium. And then the announcement comes... (link-reveal:"Rory Shackleton is unwell...")[
The deflation of the atmosphere was tangible. So who was stepping into the breach? Some poor understudy with god-only-knows how (link-reveal:"little rehearsal time.")[
This was a new show, though using the Bard's original words. Shakespeare's a robust sort, and can take all sorts of punishment. But a rock musical? Would this be the straw that (link-reveal:"broke the camel's back?")[
(if:$audience is <= 0)[Yes. Oh god yes. It was only because the music was turned up to eleventy stupid that meant we couldn't hear Will turning in his grave. A more calamitous evening at the theatre has not happened since Abraham Lincoln decided to take in a show. Would that someone had been waiting with a gun to put me-
(the rest of the article has been defaced)
[[Try try again?->Second time]]]
(elseif:$audience is < 50)[Yes. The poor unfortunate understudy gave it a shot at least, but was not up to snuff. One hopes he has some skills as an accountant, a bricklayer or a carpenter (he's certainly familiar with wood), because-
(the rest of the article has been defaced)
[[Try try again?->Second time]]]
(elseif: $audience is < 100)[Not necessarily. While some may argue guitar solos have little place in Shakespeare, it's hard to argue that the understudy did not rise to the occasion (quite literally in one scene). This was not a flawless substitution, but one could sense the audience warming to him as the show went on. One notable mishap-
(the rest of the article is missing)
[[Try try again?->Second time]]]
(else:)[Oh no. No indeed. In unsubtle hands, perhaps this would have been a disaster. Instead we were treated to what will surely be remembered as the birth of a new star. Indeed, one has to hope that poor Rory feels unwell for a little while to give a fair crack of the whip to this fantastic discovery. Even when things went wrong-
(the rest of the article is missing)
[[Want to see what happens when it goes wrong?->Second time]]]]]]
//As you prepare you suddenly notice your phone. Your boyfriend is calling. You pick up, eager to get an idea of how it is coming across (link-reveal:"from the auditorium.")[
Half an hour later, having not accomplished what you set out to do, you have instead been strictly admonished for not giving him a warning that you would be (link-reveal:"playing MacDeth.")[
You hear the klaxon for the (link-reveal:"end of the interval.")[
Oh well. [[On with the show!->Act two]]]]]
(set:$boyfriendcalled to true)[[Hub]]
(set: $background to "none")
(set: $time to 180)
(set: $audience to 50)
(set: $castrelationship to 50)
(set: $lineslearnt to false)
(set: $songslearnt to false)
(set: $blockinglearnt to false)
(set: $hunger to true)
(set: $warmup to false)
(set: $fightlearnt to false)
(set: $dancelearnt to false)
(set: $flyinglearnt to false)
(set: $mumcalled to false)
(set: $boyfriendcalled to false)
(set: $costume to false)
(set: $advicereceived to false)
(set: $loveinterest to false)
(set: $peptalk to false)
(set: $dagger to 0)"Well you're going to be seeing more of me than you thought," you begin.
He goes (link-reveal: "nuts.") [
(if: $background is "quit") [(color:black)[What did I tell you? I told you not to quit, that's what.]](else:)[(color:black)[We were right, big things were just around the corner.]] (color:black)[This is incredible, (link-reveal: "oh my god I'm shaking it's-") [
And on (live:1s) [(replace: "And on") [
And on] (stop:)(live:2s) [(replace: "And on") [
And on] (stop:)(live:3s) [(replace: "And on") [
And on] (stop:)]
(live:4s) [(color:#726666)[It's a lovely call, and he's so supportive, but oh boy can he be effusive. [[What do you still have time for?->Hub]]]] (stop:)]]]]]]
(set: $boyfriendcalled to true)
(set: $time to it -30)The audience are (link-reveal:"bemused.")[
While this hasn't exactly been a traditional production, most of the language (if: $lineslearnt is false)[(apart from yours)] has been from (link-reveal:"the original text.")[
But perhaps this is a meta commentary on the whole concept of (link-reveal:"restaging Shakespeare...")[
Rather than an actor snapping at the ineptitude of his colleague.
No-one is (link-reveal:"coming to help.")[
He's (link-reveal:"still hitting you.")[
(link-reveal:"You call out...")[
(if: $warmup is false)[... but your voice does nothing more than squeak. Without a decent warm up, the exertions of the performance have taken their toll. No-one hears your bleat for help and MacBuff's rain down on you until [[everything goes black.->Beaten ending]]](else:)[...and your voice, still strong thanks to the warm up before the show, rings out loud and clear. The audience are treated to Malcolm, assisted by the late Lady MacDeth and Banquo dragging MacBuff off you, and then helping you [[off stage.->Stage death]]]]]]]]]
(if:$costume is true)[Fortunately the wardrobe mistress has worked a miracle and the garment comes apart (link-reveal:"just right.")[ The audience let out an appreciative 'ah' as you're left stage centre in your [[electric blue spandex underthings.->Song]]]](else:)[Unfortuantely Rory Shackleton is a goodly amount taller and heftier than you. The garment is meant to fall //seamlessly// off you. (link-reveal:"Instead...")[ You're left standing in your baggy spandex underthings with the robe (link-reveal:"pooling around you.") [
There's shuffling in the audience as you step awkwardly out of the robe and [[hitch up the spandex.->Song]]]]]
(if:$costume is true)[(set: $audience to it +20)](else:)[(set:$audience to it -20)]
(align: "==><==")[Understudied]
(align: "==><==")[by Jonathan Laury]
(align: "==><==")[Thanks for trying again!]
(align: "==><==")[[[Back to the very beginning->Intro]]]
(align: "==><==")[[[Skip to choices->Second time 2]]]
(set: $background to "none")
(set: $time to 180)
(set: $audience to 50)
(set: $castrelationship to 50)
(set: $lineslearnt to false)
(set: $songslearnt to false)
(set: $blockinglearnt to false)
(set: $hunger to true)
(set: $warmup to false)
(set: $fightlearnt to false)
(set: $dancelearnt to false)
(set: $flyinglearnt to false)
(set: $mumcalled to false)
(set: $boyfriendcalled to false)
(set: $costume to false)
(set: $advicereceived to false)
(set: $loveinterest to false)
(set: $peptalk to false)
(set: $dagger to 0)
(set: $MacBuff to 0)First you need to decide if you
[[...had been considering quitting this acting malarkey.->Quit 2]]
[[...felt like a great role was just around the corner.->Luck 2]]Darn tootin'. Now, off [[to the dressing room with you.->Hub]]
(set: $background to "quit")Damn right! Now off [[to the dressing room with you.->Hub]]
(set: $background to "positive")It takes you a while to track them all down, but after a little grovelling you've managed to get everyone back on side and (link-reveal:"rooting for you.")[
Everyone likes an underdog after all! Lucky they all like you again, because the klaxon rings for the beginning of [[Act two]].
(set: $castrelationship to 50)There's
<span class="bigger">so
to do.
In a daze you're ushered to your [[dressing room.]]The ghosts of Rock past, present and yet to come appear one after another, then you make a final request of the Witches (link-reveal:"And they respond:")[
<span style="font-size:0.5em;">"Show!"</span>
(live:2s)[<span style="font-size:1.5em;">"Show!"</span>](stop:)
(live:3s)[And the pyrotechnics [[kick into overdrive.->Double double3]]](stop:)]